Saturday, January 17, 2009

Waiting Out The Storm

Now it's really cold here in W Central Ohio. Princess and I had tentative plans to take a trip to Alabama but we never had any well laid plans and the weather has been a real problem. How to get south with the bike has been an issue. And I think that's true because I really don't want to haul the motorcycle anywhere. I'd personally rather wait out the storm and then get our tails in the wind when the weather breaks. The south isn't experiencing the best weather either and I see no point in hauling a motorcycle through and to it all.

I'm not now nor never have been a fair weather rider but the years catch up to a person; as what would be an adventure in younger days is now downright stupidity. So personally I face what can be described as one of life's turning point contradictions; i.e., I can't do what I use to do but I still want to.

The economic woes of the country needs to be considered in all that we plan for as winter breaks. I believe this coming summer may be our last year to really get in the wind and put the miles on the motorcycles. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not optimistic.

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